Karan Soft

Free Software Downloads

Tweak Software RV 7.9.1 View and compare views and video shots

download Tweak Software RV 7.9.1 View and compare views and video shots at the same time   Tweak Software RV is a powerful and straightforward software for viewing and comparing video views and shots with each other. It is used by many prominent film production companies in the world today. Tweak Software RV software interacts

Assimilate Scratch 9.3.1052 Color enhancement in photos and videos

download Assimilate Scratch 9.3.1052 Color enhancement in photos and videos   Assimilate Scratch is specialized software for improving graphics and color in photos and videos. In the category of visual programs, the Assimilate Scratch program is equipped with specialized and specialized capabilities. All specialized media formats, including RAW and traditional media dpx, EXR, QuickTime, XAVC,

Amped FIVE Pro 2020 Build 18800 Improve video and photo quality

download Amped FIVE Pro 2020 Build 18800 Improve video and photo quality   Amped FIVE is a specialized software for improving the quality of video files and images. Amped FIVE’s unique data analysis and processing capabilities allow users and experts to extract information from low-quality digital images and video files and improve image quality. Amped

NewBlueFX Titler Pro 7 Ultimate 7.7.210515 Add text to video

download NewBlueFX Titler Pro 7 Ultimate 7.7.210515 Add text to video   NewBlueFX Titler is software with more than 1500 ready templates in 177 text effects to put in the video. The NewBlueFX Titler suite has the most comprehensive text captioning tools, transitions, filters, and video editing plugins. One of the tools in this collection

AVIToolbox + Portable Quick editing of AVI video files

download AVIToolbox + Portable Quick editing of AVI video files   AVIToolbox: You may edit an AVI file. For example, you want to separate and divide an image file into two separate files. Or, for example, you intend to cut and censor a piece of the film. There are many software in this field,

Movavi Academic 22.0 Win/Mac Create educational videos

download Movavi Academic 22.0 Win/Mac Create educational videos   Movavi Academic is powerful software that allows teachers and students to create educational videos. The entire learning experience is enriched using Movavi Academic, and video outputs from the software enhance the classroom. The main window of the Movavi Academic program may seem complicated for beginners, but